In my experience, NOTHING will expose your weaknesses and shortcomings quite like your children. It seems we have an innate ability to love our babies when they are born and we feel it when we are holding them, comforting them, watching them sleep, enjoying their cuteness, or indulging in moments of pride. This is the part of parenting we like to share with the people we talk to or write about on facebook. The truth is, parenting is alot of work and so much of what is required is not fun at all. Just like in marriage after the honeymoon, you soon realize that love is a decision and more about the many choices you make in spite of how you actually feel.
I have three toddlers, a four year old and two year old twins. Yes, they are cute. They bring me much joy and laughter, and fill my heart with pride. They are also very selfish, loud, and destructive and more times than I'd like to admit, I have found myself crying, running to my Mommy for comfort. Thankfully, each day has no more than 24 hours. Some days my girls aren't asleep for as many of those hours as I'd like but there comes a time every night when I see them sleeping and the details of the day are no longer important and I long to hold them. I am reminded once again of how blessed I am and know that after a good nights sleep and a few cups of coffee in the morning, I will be ready to embrace a new day, challenges and all.
Oh! I had three toddlers, two of them twins. But they are all in college now. Enjoy them while they are young. Soon they will be older, there will be new problems and still sleepless nights. But you will will love them; and even more than you do now, because love just continues to growl