I have spent the last 45 minutes being watered and supplied by the Lord. It wasn't in some quiet time I spent reading the word and being enlightened. It was rather in an epic battle of the wills I was having with two overtired 21 month olds..... I put them in bed for their nap and they seem to be settling down ready to sleep. I sang a few choruses softly hoping my quiet, slow singing would lull them to sleep. I was kneeling between their two beds so I got up quietly, blew them kisses and left them to rest. I then went to help my 4 year old prepare to have a rest time as well. We chose some books and I tucked her in but before I could start reading I heard the twins making noise and moving things in their room. I explained to Kaley that I would have to go make the twins lie down and asked if she could read to herself for awhile. Thankfully she easily agreed. As I entered the twins room neither of them were lying down in their beds. I picked them up and changed their diapers and then started the whole nap time routine over again. I knelt between them and began to sing. They kept trying to get up and each time I laid them back down obviously against their will at this point. I decided to just keep singing the same song over and over again hoping the monotony would help settle them down and so I wouldn't have to really think about what I was singing. After telling them firmly that they were going to take a nap I just went back and fourth (still on my knees) between their beds laying them back down each time they got up , singing softly all the while as they screamed and cried. They were so mad at me. I knew once I started there was no turning back. I had to win this battle. At this point it wasn't so much about the nap as it was about them knowing who was in charge. As I was fighting this battle I was struck by the irony of what I was singing and the fact that I was on my knees. Here is the song I sang over and over again for 45 minutes as they screamed and resisted me......
The Gift of Righteousness
The gift of righteousness is measured in abundance.
The depth of His love I'll never understand.
His love reaches me and you; His mercy goes farther too.
The One on the throne of God is called the Lamb.
So why not open up and call His name...Oh Lord?
Find your spirit where His grace has been outpoured.
Call His name. Taste His grace. Exercise before His face!
He's longing and yearning...
He's hoping and waiting...
He's ever desiring...for you...to turn to Him.
He knows your deepest thought your every situation.
He understands your heart, He knows your history.
There's nothing in His way.
He's just waiting for you to say...
Lord Jesus, my wandering heart I give to Thee.
I was so touched as I saw the picture of how I battle the Lord. He tells me what is best for me and arranges my environment in such a way that will help me grow and be strengthened. I keep removing myself and try to do what I think is best and end up defeated. He loving picks me up and puts me back in the place I need to be. He is just waiting for me to turn to Him. There is nothing in His way. He's just waiting for me to say....Lord, Jesus, my wandering heart I give to Thee.
I began to feel energized rather than exhausted and the twins were finally worn out and went to sleep. Praise the Lord for His love and mercy and for the way He saves us in our circumstances. We just need to call His name and taste His grace.
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